Register today!

The service is available to social workers at any stage of their career. However, coaching sessions offered by the SWPSS are not currently available to non-BASW members in England.

If you’re not already a BASW member you might consider signing up! As well as coaching, you’ll get access to a wide range of other BASW member benefits.

Signing up to use the service is simple!

  1. Click on the image below representing your nation and complete a short form to register.
  2. Once you’ve registered you can use your details to log-in to our portal available here and book your first session with your coach.
  3. Join your virtual session and start your coaching journey!

In Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales the service is funded by government, so you don’t need to be a BASW member. Simply click on a tile below and complete the registration form.

Registered social worker in England?

Access to the service is only available through your BASW membership in England, you can make a request for peer coaching here.


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